So, I'm in a pub called The Wheatsheaf, which is near the library that didn't have a WiFi. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? I need the internet — let's go to the pub! The table is nice and sticky. I don't know whether I should buy a drink or something, is it wrong to just rudely use their WiFi? There's something wrong with the internet connection back at the hotel, in other words, there's no connection. And no one knows when it's coming back.
On Sunday night at twenty to two I caught myself sitting on my bed with my laptop open eating Nutella straight out of the jar with a disposable fork. I was thinking, what the heck am I doing? I still can't answer that, it shall stay as a mystery. Of course, just to be clear, the only reason I have a jar of Nutella in my room is that it's the only thing to put on a bread you can keep unrefrigerated since I don't have a fridge, and it's not cold enough by the window yet. Anyway, I had a majestic one night and three days off! Monday morning was the basic day-off morning. Nothing interesting about it. Although Monday wasn't just a normal day off, it was a "Holiday"— to be precise the first day ever in my life I'm getting paid for seriously doing nothing. Will do. I got out of bed after 12 o'clock, went down to have some lunch leftovers of the hotel guests for breakfast. A burger, chips and a piece of banoffee pie. Yes. Banana and toffee. BANOFFEE. (I didn't get it until someone explained to me.) For breakfast. It's not always as unhealthy, though. We eat all the extra food. All the food they don't eat. The veggies they leave. The spare desserts, that's my favourite part! Sometimes the food is really delish. (Urban Dictionary: Delish: A shorter form of saying 'Delicious' This tastes delish. Mmm, mmm, delish. Sorry I saw that in an ad today and couldn't resist XD) For instance the ceramic hot pot of potatoes, aubergine, and tomato topped with goat cheese, so yummy. That was the best dinner I've had here so far, I'm still dreaming about it every night. Well just kidding, I'm not. But it was lovely.
On Sunday night at twenty to two I caught myself sitting on my bed with my laptop open eating Nutella straight out of the jar with a disposable fork. I was thinking, what the heck am I doing? I still can't answer that, it shall stay as a mystery. Of course, just to be clear, the only reason I have a jar of Nutella in my room is that it's the only thing to put on a bread you can keep unrefrigerated since I don't have a fridge, and it's not cold enough by the window yet. Anyway, I had a majestic one night and three days off! Monday morning was the basic day-off morning. Nothing interesting about it. Although Monday wasn't just a normal day off, it was a "Holiday"— to be precise the first day ever in my life I'm getting paid for seriously doing nothing. Will do. I got out of bed after 12 o'clock, went down to have some lunch leftovers of the hotel guests for breakfast. A burger, chips and a piece of banoffee pie. Yes. Banana and toffee. BANOFFEE. (I didn't get it until someone explained to me.) For breakfast. It's not always as unhealthy, though. We eat all the extra food. All the food they don't eat. The veggies they leave. The spare desserts, that's my favourite part! Sometimes the food is really delish. (Urban Dictionary: Delish: A shorter form of saying 'Delicious' This tastes delish. Mmm, mmm, delish. Sorry I saw that in an ad today and couldn't resist XD) For instance the ceramic hot pot of potatoes, aubergine, and tomato topped with goat cheese, so yummy. That was the best dinner I've had here so far, I'm still dreaming about it every night. Well just kidding, I'm not. But it was lovely.
I bought a pair of portable mini speakers for I'm not coping with the laptop sound quality any longer. Unfortunately the sound quality didn't improve much cause I was being too mingy, but at least I can take those babies anywhere, and plug them to my iPod. Such fun! Oh god, where did THAT come from? I still refuse to admit having been watching too much Miranda. "Such fun!" is one of her mother's favourite phrases.
On Tuesday we had a miniature adventure with Yago as we got on a train and went to Lewes, a little town not too far away. It was very nice there, if it wasn't for the sea I'd prefer living in Lewes! They have a medieval castle there with a fantastic landscape from the towers. Now I sound like a tourist guide. But believe me it was fantastic! And a massive thank you to whoever controls the weather. You couldn't possibly have a better weather in England in October. I'm enjoying the English autumn, but funnily enough, the tree leaves don't really change colour (or if they do the new colour is brown, how uncreative is that). They just fall off leaving the trees looking somehow surprised, like "Oh, me leaves fell off!" Yes, you have to do the accent while you read. It's good to get some distance to work, completely forget that it's what I'm here for. Well it isn't all I'm here for. Actually, it isn't at all what I'm here for. I'm here to live. This is most likely the best thing I've ever done, and I'm so happy to be feeling the way I do.
Waiting at the Brighton Train Station |
Lewes |
Ok, I'm going to get that drink. My guilty conscience took over.
Oh and you might have to listen to the song of the day on Youtube because something's changed here, and I'm too lazy to sort it out now. :D (It's fixed!)
Oh and you might have to listen to the song of the day on Youtube because something's changed here, and I'm too lazy to sort it out now. :D (It's fixed!)
Johnny Flynn & The Sussex Wit - Leftovers
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