Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Tonight's The Kind Of Night Where Everything Could Change

I’ve never been a blogger. However, this feels like the right time to start being one. Most of you reading this already know me, but for those who don’t: Hello, nice to meet you. Although it’s actually you meeting me and not the other way around. The people who know me are also very aware of what’s going on, but for those who aren’t: I’m swapping Finland for England. I like the poetic sound of that. By the time you read this I will be heading towards my new home/workplace, a hotel in a seaside town in East Sussex. I fly to London’s Gatwick and take a train to Worthing. I’m hoping it won’t rain, that would be a very unwanted extra to my biggest concern of the moment, which is, dragging along all my stuff. A suitcase, a huge backpack, and a guitar. So Mother Nature, watch your trollface.

My feelings are (excuse my language but lighter expressions wouldn’t be descriptive enough) fucking mixed. On one hand it’s so unbelievably relieving to get out of here for a change because I could totally use some new, fresh seaside air. On the other hand it’s almost heart-breaking. Not the actual being away part but the saying goodbye part. I don’t like doing it, I’m not good at it. Besides, I’m only going to be away for half a year so it shouldn’t be too much for anyone to bare! We all know how fast the time ticks after all. Still, I'm not underestimating it. It is, without a doubt, slightly (more than that to be perfectly honest) frightening to leave everything I know. My friends, some of whom seem to think living in England equals non-existence. My family, for 3 weeks is by far the longest time we’ve ever spent apart. My LIFE — yet sometimes I feel like there’s nothing for me here. The first few weeks in England are not going to be easy, that’s for sure, but I’m trying to keep in mind how much I’ve wanted to do this. A LOT. Everything still feels surreal. But first of all I’m excited! Always use the word excited instead of nervous.

So, as you might have noticed, this is basically my public diary (sorry folks, I do have a PRIVATE one as well!) and probably the easiest way of keeping a bunch of people updated of my moves on the foreign shore. I’m not sure how many people are going to be bothered reading my stories, but I hope I can call it a bunch! Thank you, my friends, for all the nice words and thank you Linda for the CD, I’ll be listening to it on the train. Also Kersa, I think you should keep posting about your life on Blogspot! Finally, I have a little wish. There’s going to be music related to each text and I’m asking you to always take a listen for it’s an important part of the post.

No matter whether we know each other or not, I warmly welcome you to join my journey,

Noah And The Whale - Tonight's The Kind Of Night

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